Title: Raconteur: from intent to stories
Authors: Pei-Yu Chi, Henry Lieberman
Conference: IUI '10 Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces
When editing a story from a large collection of media, such as photos and video clips captured from daily life, it is not always easy to understand how particular scenes fit into the intent for the overall story. Especially for novice editors, there is often a lack of coherent connections between scenes, making it difficult for the viewers to follow the story. In this paper, we present Raconteur is a story editing system that helps users assemble coherent stories from media elements, each annotated with a sentence or two in unrestricted natural language. It uses a Commonsense knowledge base, and the AnalogySpace Commonsense reasoning technique. Raconteur focuses on finding story analogies – different elements illustrating the same overall "point", or independent stories exhibiting similar narrative structures.
I am really excited and intrigued by the idea of arranging pictures to form a story. The idea did not sound novel in the beginning since this is what a movie essentially does, arrange consecutive pictures taken fraction of a second apart from each other. However, after looking at the screenshot I realized that using this tool, we can arrange our pictures in order to form a story. This can help us to remember not just the location where the picture was shot but also the events that occurred and the story surrounding the picture.
I feel this takes away from the challenge of editing videos or images to form a story. I like the challenge of seeing how I can make things fit.