Chapter 8: Lost in the Mall
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Saturday, February 26, 2011
Book Reading #29 - Opening Skinner's Box (Mar 1)
Chapter 8: Lost in the Mall
Book Reading #28 - Coming of Age in Samoa (Mar 1)
Chapter 9: The Attitude of the Personality
Book Reading #27 - Emotional Design (Mar 1)
Chapter 2: The Multiple Faces of Emotion and Design
- Visceral Level: This level deals with the attractiveness of the design, its appearance, look, touch and feel. Positive impact at this level triggers user creativity and curiosity, which is why attractive things are more effective.
- Behavioral Level: This level describes the functionality of the product. This is about the user experience with the product.
- Reflective Level:This is where memories, consciousness and highest levels of feelings reside. This level deals with the overall experience of using the product.
Paper Reading #13: Gestalt: Integrated Support for Implementation and Analysis in Machine Learning
Title: Gestalt: Integrated Support for Implementation and Analysis in Machine Learning
Authors: Kayur Patel, Naomi Bancroft, Steven M. Drucker, James Fogarty, Andrew J. Ko, James A. Landay
Conference: UIST '10 Proceedings of the 23nd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology
Ethnography Results, Week 4
- Teleport to already visited or some new locations.
- Observe the general behavior of the people.
- Start conversations with different people and get an idea of their general attitude towards newbies.
- Try to make new friends on Second Life.
Like I had expected, I did find a lot of people here. I did start talking to some people and told them that I was a noob. I asked them about what they usually do on second life, what interests them about second life, what are the places that are worth visiting and questions like these. Following are some of the conversations I recored:
Jaideep Balekar: Hi, could you tell me about some interesting places I could visit on SL?
AF: there u go hun thats a load of places u can go
JaideepBalekar: thanks so much!
AF: do u need places to get cloths as well? and that is a place to get free stuff
JaideepBalekar: sure, i am a noob and my clothes are pretty dorky :)
JaideepBalekar: i love free stuff..!
AF: lol well that is a folder of a whole bunch of free stuff
JaideepBalekar: thanks !
JaideepBalekar: btw where are you from?
JaideepBalekar: are there any do and donts I should know about SL?
AF: not really just have fun
JaideepBalekar: alright, thanks a lot AF!
AF: yw
My short conversation with Arc:
JaideepBalekar: hey wats up arc?
Arc: fine how about u ?
Arc: ur quiet new to SL
JaideepBalekar: yes, very new :) what about you?
Arc: i am five months old
JaideepBalekar: so, what made you sign up ?
Arc: brb RL call
Arc: ok jai i was surfing net around august of last year then i saw this website and i like it better than other chatting webs
JaideepBalekar: hmmm, i got here because of a class project and i'm actually liking it here
Arc: but dont become addict to this game ok:)
JaideepBalekar: well, i'll try not to :)
JaideepBalekar: actually, i have to run to my next class. It was nice talking to you. Can I add you as a friend?
Arc: yeah of course
Arc: but i usually come once a month or twice
Friendship offer accepted.
JaideepBalekar: alright bud, ttyl. hope to c u online sometime
Arc: ok bye take care
Finally, I had another conversion with yet another player on Second Life. I'll abbreviate her name as GM. She is from Australia. The conversation was very long and verbose, so I'll summarize it instead. This person told me about some nice places on SL where I can find nice people to hang out with. We asked each other about our interests and got introduced. During the conversation, she told be that she is disabled in real life and that made it very challenging for her to engage in any kind of work in real life. Instead, she run a furniture and resale business on SL and earns real money through this business. I thought this was a really interesting notion. She spends 6 hours a day on second life selling her stuff, so it's pretty much like a job for her.
During night though, she works at a night club as a dancer. It was interesting to know that a person who is disabled in real life can cross the limits and discover new horizons in second life. She also left me a piece of advice - she told me that some people on SL aren't nice and that they can actually trick you into getting your money (linden dollars, which can be converted into USD). Then she invited me to her place in Australia and introduced me to her husband. She had her shop at her place and a rest area for visitors. She told me about how people buy land, houses and other stuff on SL and pay USD for it. People have their businesses and do jobs on second life. Then, I had to end my conversation because I was getting late for the class. However, it was wonderful to talk to these people and get better insight into Second Life.
Paper Reading #12: Pen + Touch = New Tools
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Book Reading #26 - Opening Skinner's Box
Chapter 7: Rat Park
Book Reading #25 - Coming of Age in Samoa
Chapter 8: The Role of the Dance
Book Reading #24 - Emotional Design
Chapter 1: Attractive Things Work Better
Monday, February 21, 2011
Ethnography Results, Week 3
- Teleport to different locations - college campuses, libraries, coffee shops, clubs, beaches etc.
- Observe people and their actions.
- Try to initiate conversation with people and judge their tone.
- Notice what music and visuals are playing at different places and what relation it has with the environment of that particular place.
I then went to a place where new second life users go. There I met a new user who I interacted with. She was new to second life, and told me she had joined because of her friend. An interesting thing I noticed, is that when both of us would start typing to each other, the other would stop typing. The same thing happens in the real world when someone tries to talk at the same time as someone else, but then you stop to let the other person talk first.
Kat : Hi. I am new too..
me: that's cool:) I'm really overwhelmed by all there is to learn about
Kat: very overwhelming.. haven't seen anyone.. you're the first i've seen here.
Kat:I need to read on more about it.. don't know what to do
me:I have another friend who recently joined also so I may ask him to give me crash course... so anyways is there a reason for joining second life?
Kat: friend told me about it. he suggested I would li9ke it.. here i am .. clueless :)
me: I actually joined SL as part of a class project- I basically have a few weeks to write a report on my findings about SL
Kat: That's cool. I hope to get better with the game. It's after 12 now, hope to see you again. It was nice talking to you.
me: Cool - nice talking to you- If you want feel free to add me as a friend- I'll try to go to more places in the coming weeks.
Kat:Ok, Thanks a lot.. Tell me how it goes.
me: CIAO!
Kat: C-ya!
Book Reading #23 - Opening Skinner's Box
Chapter 6: Monkey Love
Book Reading #22 - Coming of Age in Samoa
Chapter 7: Formal Sex Relations
Book Reading #21 - Design of Everyday Things
Paper Reading# 11: Hands-on math: a page-based multi-touch and pen desktop for technical work and problem solving
Paper Reading #10: PhoneTouch: a technique for direct phone interaction on surfaces
Book Reading #20 - Opening Skinner's Box
Chapter 5: Quieting the Mind
Book Reading #19 - Coming of Age in Samoa
Book Reading #18 - Design of Everyday Things
Chapter 6: The Design Challenge
Paper Reading #9: Imaginary interfaces: spatial interaction with empty hands and without visual feedback
Book Reading #17 - HCI Remixed
Chapter 7: Fundamentals in HCI: Learning the Value of Consistency and User Models
Chapter 9: The Disappearing Computer
Chapter 10: It Really Is All About Location!
Chapter 46: The Essential Role of Mental Models in HCI: Card, Moran, and Newell
Chapter 47: A Most Fitting Law